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Results for "keyword: "power""
Birthday of Maggie Kuhn (PDP) Celebrating the pioneering work and accomplishments of the founder of the Gray Panthers (1972), a network of older people dedicated to fighting ageism.
Uprooting Racism Basic tactics for taking a stand against racial injustice.
Power to Work Prayer for compassion.
Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love We're all assigned a piece of garden
Blessing for Responsibility Praying for the will to make change.
May I Too Abide A heartfelt wish to be a means of happiness, joy, and freedom from suffering for all beings.
Advocate for Corporate Ethics A call to participate in ensuring corporate moral and social responsibility.
For Labor Unions A prayer of protection for the right to unionize.
Prayer for Those in Statecraft and International Relations A prayer for our leaders to work together for justice and peace for all.
Challenging Habits A daily practice for releasing habits and awakening our lives.